Saturday, May 22, 2010

Benefit Of Playing kites

Play out the health and beauty
1, sport kites are challenging outdoor sports, can increase heart and lung function, physical and mental pleasure.
2, exercise waist, arm, leg and so on.
3, improve insomnia, memory loss, back pain, neck pain, spinal pain, such as sub-health state.
4, rest the eyes and improve vision.
Safety First
Some people show off their skills in order to manipulate others sports kite flying overhead, which is very dangerous,
not morality, these people were not really kite players.
Keep in mind the following points:
1, fly selection should be open office, avoiding obstacles and other flying by.
2, not in a high voltage electric tower, wire rod and fly.
4, sports kite is a high-speed flight, there is a strong impact force, do not carry out low-flying or intimidate another person or other dangerous flying.